Saturday 25 July 2009

Sorry Stephen I Just Don't Have Time for this Meme

Stephen Tall over at Lib Dem Voice has challenged us to a very interesting weekend meme:

When Iain Dale asked if Lib Dem Voice would this year co-sponsor Total Politics’ Best Blog Poll 2009, he also set me some homework: to write c.1,000 words on ‘the State of the LibDem blogosphere’ by the end of the month? As you will see from the date, my deadline is fast approaching.

I’ve got a few ideas of what I intend to write, but I’d greatly appreciate the insistence of Lib Dem Voice readers – as well as Lib Dem bloggers – to ensure my analysis is suitably rounded and informed. I’ve come up with five questions I want to (try and) answer in my article:

What are the greatest successes of the Lib Dem blogosphere?

What are we, collectively as bloggers, failing to achieve?

How does the Lib Dem blogosphere compare with those of the Labour, Tories and other parties’?

How helpful is blogging as a campaigning tool (are there examples of it making a real impact)?

What do you think the next year holds in store for the Lib Dem blogosphere?

How would you answer them? If you have a blog, please feel free to address
them there, and leave a link to your article in the comments thread. If you
don’t have a blog, please feel free to address them directly in the comments

Unfortunately I have my own homework from Mr. Dale, with the same deadline for the 'State of the Scottish Blogosphere' and I really must get on with completing that. So I don't really havve time to respond to that. But if you are a Lib Dem reader feel free to help out Stephen Tall, if you are Scottish answer below the same questions for Stephen Glenn.

Obviously it your Scottish replace Lib Dem with Scottish in the above and question 3 with:

How is the Scottish Blogosphere served by the Labour, SNP, Conservative, Lib Dems, Greens and other parties?

Nice to be back so close to Mr. Tall as before other Stephens filled the gap our names stood side by side on the LibDemBlogs blogroll.

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