Friday, 27 February 2009

Latest Shenanigans in Aberdeenshire

The latest Shenanigans in the Aberdeenshire post-Trumpgate witch hunt is a motion to exclude a representative of the Demoratic Independent Group (Paul Johnstone, Debra Storr, Martin Ford and Sam Coull) from the group leaders' meetings.

Mark Cullen one of the Independent councillors (who ironically band together and have a representative in those meetings) has pointed out the double standards in doing so. While the current motion harks back to an informal agreement in 1995, disbarring groups with less than 10% from attending, between 2003 and 2007 the Independents with only 3 representatives had a representative.

Cullen has said that "personal views seems to have clouded the judgement". From what I have observed those far person views seem to have caused most of the fall out on this issue and the Lib Dem group seem to have been caught up on this and reacted from personal opinion rather than any principles on democracy or liberalism. I know there are a few appeals and decisions outstanding before the Scottish party executive and I trust that these will not be clouded by personal views but will be made in sound judgement.


  1. Stephen these 3 aren't elected though are they? They were elected as libdems I think and changed to independents without voters consent.

  2. IMHO I think that group are more Liberal Democrats than the group that call themselves Lib Dems on that particular council.
