Thursday, 12 February 2009

In Other SNP Failings

The SNP were determined to do all they could to keep the Scottish banking sector Scottish that they gathered financiers to try and put together a bid for HBoS (or at least the Bank of Scotland part). At election time the Saltire's flying from Nationalist cars makes it hard to see the wood for the trees.

Which is probably just as well as the party that wants Scottish Independence has since they got elected in 2007 been negotiating lease out a quarter of Scottish forests to overseas timber companies. Based on the amount of land that involves that should make them the 98% Scottish Nationalist Party. It looks like one victim of the high noon of the sgian dubh former Environment minister Micheal Russell has been confirming what is still being denied by Government aides. Six meetings have been held between October 2007 and July 2008 to discuss leasing out the 100,000 hectares of woodland involved.

What of Mr Russell's successor Roseanna Cunningham. Well in 1996 when the Tory government* tried to sell off Scotland's woodlands she said opposing the 'creeping privatisation':

"You can be sure that it does not take long after a sale to a private concern for gates to appear and the 'no entry' signs to go up ... communities throughout Scotland will see their woodland amenities disappearing into the hands of private owners."

So despite saying if it matters to you to vote for them. In the space of 24 hours we've learnt that fairer taxes are important enough to fight for, for now and the forested parts of Scotland and their amenities also don't matter that much.

There is no better time than now to fight to save Scotland's forests from the SNP and sign the petition.

*Note for younger readers. Before 1997 other parties under that Labour did form the government of the UK.


  1. What does your note to younger readers mean? Lost you there.

    As an SNP supporter I am against the leasing of our forests and have made my opinion known to my MSP. In fact, I may do a post on my own blog - you've motivated me.

    Thanks for posting on this. It's the wrong way to go. If foreign companies can make a profit from our forests so can the Forestry Commission.

  2. Indeed they can, and maintain the integrity of the amenities they provide whilst doing to. Glad this has inspired you to action. Look forward to reading the result.

  3. The notes to younger readers is actually very much an in joke for one young reader who was saying the other day how they couldn't remember anything other than a Labour government at Westminster.
