Tuesday 20 January 2009

The Carnival on Modern Liberty

In a bizzare case of two degrees of separation from the Atheist Agnostic bus Tom Griffen has already tagged me to take part in the carnival on Modern Liberty started by James Graham over at Liberal Consirpacy yesterday. Tom decided to make his tags so that the geographic diversity of the taggees was expanded (so it's a good job I no longer live within commuting distance of my University at Kingston).

Here's what James originally posted to outline the idea.

As an online companion to the Convention, it is intended to help promote debate
on civil liberties on the blogosphere over the next few weeks. Fundamentally
however, it is also intended to spur both bloggers and their readers into

I will be producing the first edition this Friday on Liberal Conspiracy. Over the next couple of weeks it will move to OurKingdom and Unlock Democracy and then we’ll be looking for volunteers to host future editions - what about you? (email offers to modernliberty *at* quaequamblog *dot* net).

If you have an article you would like to be included in the first edition you can submit it either by following this link or emailing modernliberty *at* quaequamblog *dot* net. The deadline is 4pm on Thursday 22 January (if you miss this it is no problem as it will simply carry over to the next week’s edition). We are particularly looking for articles on the following sub-topics:

* ACTION: our favourite category! ideas and initiatives for raising
awareness of civil liberty-related issues.

* EVENTS: civil-liberty related events that you are either organising or
would like to promote (you don’t need to wait until 28 February before holding a
meetup, tweetup or even just a social to the pub or cinema - if it’s civil
liberty related, publicise it here).

* JEERS: reports of the latest assaults on liberties.

* CHEERS: good news (we do get it occasionally!) and praise for the
champions of liberty.

* WHAT LIBERTY MEANS TO ME: think pieces about what liberty in a modern
context actually means (once you’ve been all philosophical, do an action post to
balance things out :)).

As the geographical diversity haa now hit Scotland I think it is only fair to nominate some of the Scottish Blogosphere. I could pick all five from the usual susects, the established Scottish blogosphere people who I know would do a sterling job people like Jeff, IoC, MacNumpty, DoctorVee or STB. But James encourages us not to pick the usual suspects and himself tagged Girl With A One Track Mind, London Underground, Neil Gaiman, Bad Science and New Humanist as his five.

So maintaining that thrust I'm going to mix it up a little and give some of the newer or less well established bloggers a shot.


  1. Thanks for the nomination Stephen!

  2. I'll post some thoughts on Civil Liberty and what it means to me very shortly.

    In the meantime thanks for the tag.

  3. Done. Looking forward to seeing your post on the subject Stephen!
