Friday, 12 August 2005

Street Fringe to Fall Silent in Tribute

The stretch of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh from the Tron up past St. Giles to the top of The Mound is usually a hive of activity and excitement at this time of year, as the Fringe is in town. However, this afternoon it is expected to fall silent and respectful for the funeral of Robin Cook.

Robin's political career started across the road from the Cathedral in Edinburgh City Council Chambers. It will be formally concluded today in the impressive Church of Scotland Cathedral in the presence of many of the leading politicians of the land, but not the leader.

The Prime Minster's snub in refusing to break his holiday to attend the funeral has caused reaction both local and national.

His friend John McCririck, who will be among those speaking at the funeral service.

Said recently: "Robin's criticism of government policy was dignified, and never became personal or vindictive.

"If Margaret Thatcher can bring herself to attend Ted Heath's service, then surely Mr Blair ought, at least publicly, to show respect and gratitude to Robin."

It's a shame that a great parlimentarian should have the misfortune to die during the holidays of a Prime Minster with so much contempt for Parliament.

BBC report of the funeral

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