Friday, 12 August 2005

Scotty will be Linlithgow Born - Doohan

Since the death of James Doohan there has been speculation regarding his character Montgomery Scott's birthplace. As reported on this blog and elsewhere Linlithgow was first to declare but since then Edinburgh, Elgin and Aberdeen have all tried to snatch his birth away from the Royal Burgh.

In this week's Linlithgow Gazette a new authority gives his opinion on the matter, none other that Doohan himself. His eldest son Chris has said that he asked his dad did Scotty have a fictional birthplace and the actor responded that it he believed it was Linlithgow.

This should back up the council's bid to errect a memorial in the town and Chris Doohan will be on hand for the unveiling. No doubt to a very warm welcome.

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