Monday 7 July 2008

Then There Were Two; Third Maybe Fourth Expected

Ross Finnie said he had received a "very good measure of support" when he announced his intention to stand in the Scottish Liberal Democrat leadership election to succeed Nicol Stephen. He joins Mike Rumbles as those who have already thrown there hat into the ring.

He set out his stall by saying:

"I think that far too many people that I see and speak to began to wonder 'what is the Liberal Democrat message?', 'why should we trust the Liberal Democrats?', 'what do they stand for?'

"I think the new leader has a big job in ensuring everything we do, everything we say, every message, every time we appear on radio or television, we are actually saying something which people will resonate as being Liberal Democrat, and that we can rebuild the confidence that people will actually allow us to go forward as a credible party that could be considered for government."

The media are waiting for Tavish Scott to declare that he will stand and are also speculating that Jeremy Purvis may also enter the race to lead the Lib Dems North of the border.


  1. Personally, I'm inclined towards Mike Rumbles this time. This from a Nicol supporter 3 years ago but times have changed.
