Friday, 28 October 2005

20 per cent Less Pubs to Serve Food

While doing abysmally in this week's BBC 7 days 7 questions quiz. I mean I haven't seen the latest Harry Potter film yet! One of my wrong answers brought up a very worrying statistic.

Under the fudged smoking policy that Patricia Hewitt tried to defend yesterday 1 in 5 publicans have said they will stop serving food to get around the legislation. So instead of having food to mop up the alcohol you will be 20% less likely to find food served in the pub and 20% more likely to find smoke instead. So much for defending the nations health. Fortunatley my excursions south of the border are less frequent these days, I'll be enjoying clean atmosphere in Scottish Pubs is a few months.


  1. "20% less likely to find food served in the pub ... So much for defending the nations health."

    I don't know - have you seen some pub food?

    [pedant mode on - it's "20% fewer pubs"!!]

  2. from one anonymous pedant to another: i was going to say the same thing!
