Thursday 10 September 2009

One Of Our Munro's is Lost

Well to be perfectly honest it is not a Derren Brown or David Copperfield grand illusion. It is merely down to the fact that the Ordinance Survey have used some new technology to discover that Sgurr Nan Ceanniachean is Wester Ross isn't the Munro* you were looking for. So if you've bagged it already (and I haven't) you have merely a Corbett on your list. At 913.4m it is a metre short.

However, the Munro baggers task hasn't become that much easier there are still 283 Munros and 517 tops over 3000ft still to be reached for all those die hard climbers out there.

Hugh Grant has not been seen marshalling locals into action to make the peak that little bit higher. Now has any member of the OS had this conversation:

OS man: Well, i-i-it will be measured again! I mean, uh, perhaps we'll even come back through here on our return, and...
Scot: Ye'll no be back. This isnae a place that sassanachs like ye caim back to.
OS man: Well, I'll try, I'll, I'll really try...
Scot: I'll try! Is that the best ye can du? Ge oot and gie me heid peace.

*A Scottish mountain with a height over 3000ft (914.4m). Named after Tory MP Sir Hugh Munro who drew up the table.
** A separate mountain over 2,500ft, distinct meaning at least a 500ft drop between peaks. Named after John Rooke Corbett first man to climb all the 2000ft peaks in 1930.


  1. LOL good attitude Paul. I'm just glad that one of my 37 has not been wiped off my done list. :)
