Friday 10 June 2011

Andrew Reeves the farewell music #AndrewReeves

I'm sitting at Callum Leslie's after Andrew Reeve's funeral service. For those who couldn't make it and those of you who could here is hte choice of music for the day. So very Andrew and best have the tissues ready.

First we came in and fill Warriston Cremetorium to this.

We then moved on to this after Michael Moore and the celebrant managed to sum up Andrew very well and had us in laughter as well as tears.

There was a time of reflection to this, many of those present were in tears. Some afterwards said the lyrics could almost have been written for the Lib Dems.

Then finally, and this was the one that led me to tears, we exited to this.

1 comment:

  1. As I was entering Edinburgh Airport's Departure Lounge this morning the song that was playing was "Born This Way". Yeah as I was exiting Scotland just as we were exiting the crematorium there was the same music. It can only be Andrew's way of telling me to keep up the fight, so of course I will.
