Wednesday 14 May 2008

Scottish Labour Back to Square One

It looks like the Snakes and Ladders set may well be being put away in the Wendy house of cards, or should that be house of horrors.

I'm sure Wendy Alexander thought she may well have found the ladder to lift her well up the board when she made her announcement that she would call for an earlier referendum than the Nats were prepared to. However, since then after she encountered a series of snakes Scottish Labour appear to be back at square one.

The Labour MSPs are now saying they could not guarantee supporting the SNPs bill calling for a referendum on independence in 2010. Nor are they saying they ever offered a blank cheque of support to the SNP at any point during their leader's ramble around every compass point on this issue. Therefor we are back where we were
on that Sunday morning of the 4th May before Wendy said bring it on.

There is the right to roam here in Scotland I think the MSPs may soon me asking their leader to exercise that right.

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