Monday 5 December 2005

I've Outgeeked Will Howells

Will Howells aka No Geek is an Island is hiding in shame as a bad geek due to his poor result of books read in the best geek novels since 1932 published in today's Guadian.

Therefore I'm not sure whether it is with some pride or shame that I have read the following half of the top 20 listed.

1. The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Douglas Adams 85% (102)
2. Nineteen Eighty-Four -- George Orwell 79% (92)
3. Brave New World -- Aldous Huxley 69% (77)
4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -- Philip Dick 64% (67)
6. Dune -- Frank Herbert 53% (54)
7. I, Robot -- Isaac Asimov 52% (54)
8. Foundation -- Isaac Asimov 47% (47)
9. The Colour of Magic -- Terry Pratchett 46% (46)
14. Consider Phlebas -- Iain M Banks 34% (35)
16. The Man in the High Castle -- Philip K Dick 34% (32)

If you add on that I have read the entire series of 1,7,8 and 9 does that make for bigger geekdom?

1 comment:

  1. Stephen I can't quite match you - I've read nine!

    I was mildly surprised to see "Trouble With Lichen" sneak onto the list at number 20. Quite a good book, but not as geeky as , say, Shockwave Rider.
