At that Scottish Spring Conference I actually moved an amendment on the issue to allow people seeking to obtain a GRC to remain in their marriage without having to go through the ludicous process of having to annul the marriage or civil partnership they had been in, only to enter another union with the same supportive partner. This was part of the original policy but due to the complexity for someone not aware of the issue, moved as an amendment for more time.
Now I get the anger against the executive parties, and while I have dual membership along with my Lib Dem membership of one of them, I appear now to be persona non grata at Belfast Pride this year.
This as well as my speechs in support of motions to lift the gay blood ban, ending the stigma of HIV, ending the spousal veto and other LGBT+ issues.
Belfast Pride could have certainly asked party groups not to have their politicians to parade this year. After all like any LGBT+ group in any political party in Northern Ireland down the years we have had work to do to make the politicans at the top understand the LGBT+ issues (yes even the holier than thou Greens).
I personally have often had public spats with Alliance leaders on social media when the party falls short on LGBT+ issues. I also often raise these points in private too, less public but often more productive. I'm sure other activists in the other executive parties do exactly the same.
The total ban will impact the very people working away in those parties who are working to get their elected representatives to take the correct action on trans issues, and to finally get a Sexual Orientation and/or LGBTQI+ Strategies.
So bear this in mind, Belfast Pride thinks that the Northern Irish born, Presbyterian raised, son of two elders, who has had somewhat of an impact in allowing civil, humanist and religious groups (that wish to do so*) to perform same sex marriages.
But year this year I will not be allowed to march as someone politically active. SHAME on those of Belfast Pride who ignore that the party groups include people like me. SHAME on Belfast Pride for turning their back on the very people best able to make the political leadership take note.
* Sadly during its course through Westminster the Church of England and Church in Wales alone of all religious groups were excluded from this and will need an amendment or enabling act in Parliament to ever be able to carry out Same-Sex Marriages.
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