Friday 17 January 2014

When does seeking equality equal special pleading? - When you ask the TUV

Today Fermanagh's Impartial Reporter was holding a Q&A session with the TUV's Jim Allister via twitter. I threw my hat into the ring to see if my question would get used, it was. See below:

It was a straightforward but at the same time loaded question. Neither the DUP, UUP or TUV have voted for any advance in LGBT equality in Northern Ireland. The LGBT community in Northern Ireland is not split along traditional lines but crosses them.

You will notice that I am asking for equality. First equality with other citizens and second equality within the UK with other LGBT citizens.

So somehow from the fact that we do not have equality within Northern Ireland, nor with the rest of the UK Allister considers that somehow we have greater protections under the law than anyone else. Yet we are still awaiting a Sexual Orientation Strategy to be published, still have Departments appealing progress that has been awarded through the courts not the Assembly. 

So when has asking to be treated equally even been considered special pleading?

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