
Tuesday 11 April 2006

Wiki Meme

Some highlights for 19 September.

1692 - Giles Corey is pressed to death after refusing to plead in the Salem witch trials.
1778 - The Continental Congress passes the first budget of the United States.
1796 - George Washington makes his farewell address.
1893 - Women's suffrage: In New Zealand, the Electoral Act of 1893 is consented to by the governor giving all women in New Zealand the right to vote, beginning with the 1893 New Zealand general election.
1945 - Lord Haw Haw (William Joyce) sentenced to death in London.
1946 - The Council of Europe is founded following a speech given by Winston Churchill at the University of Zurich.
1959 - Nikita Khrushchev is barred from visiting Disneyland.
1981 - Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel reunite for a free concert in New York's Central Park.
2001 - Commencement of combatant activities in Afghanistan (the date designated by U.S. President George W. Bush in Executive Order 13239 of December 12, 2001).


1714 - Charles Humphreys, American delegate to the Continental Congress (d. 1786)
1737 - Charles Carroll of Carrollton, American signer of the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Senator (d. 1832)
1778 - Henry Peter Brougham, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
1907 - Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr. American Supreme Court Justice (d. 1998)
1909 - Ferry Porsche, Austrian automobile pioneer (d. 1998)
1911 - Sir William Golding, English writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1993)
1922 - Emil Zátopek, Czech athlete (d. 2000)
1934 - Brian Epstein, English musical group manager (the Beatles) (d. 1967)
1936 - Al Oerter, American athlete
1948 - Jeremy Irons, English actor
1949 - Twiggy Lawson, English model
1952 - Nile Rodgers, American musician and composer
1969 - Tapio Wilska, Finnish singer


690 - Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury (b. 602)
1881 - James Garfield, 20th President of the United States (b. 1831)
1949 - George Shiels, Northern Irish dramatist (b. 1886)

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